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Connect MetaMask

Kava is compatible with MetaMask, the most popular browser wallet.

Metamask config

To access Kava, you'll first need to add Kava's network configuration in MetaMask:


Verified Mainnet Contracts

Gnosis Safe



  • Network Name: Localhost 8545
  • New RPC URL: http://localhost:8545
  • Chain ID: 8888
  • Currency Symbol: KAVA

MetaMask account

To send transactions from your account using MetaMask, import your Kava account to MetaMask via private key. You can do so by clicking on the profile picture image and then selecting 'Import Account'. From the 'Select Type' dropdown, select 'Private Key'.

It's possible to generate your Kava EVM compatible private key using kvtool. From the kvtool repository:

# Start a local dockerized kava blockchain
kvtool testnet bootstrap --kava.configTemplate evm

# Add an alias to the dockerized kava blockchain
alias dkava='docker exec -it generated_kavanode_1 kava'

# Export private key for named account 'validator'
dkava keys unsafe-export-eth-key validator --keyring-backend test
# 8A753652CB29472A01FAECF50EC1244C307B585466B2C52373539DA0100F3CED