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Node Configuration FAQs

General Node Setup

Q. Where to find/download genesis file?

A. The latest genesis file for the Kava mainnet is located here.

Q. Where can I get a list of seeds node addresses to populate the [p2p] section of config.yml seeds value?

A. Here

Q. Where can I get a list of seeds node addresses to populate the [p2p] of config.yml persistent_peers value?

A. Here

Q. What should be the value of minimum-gas-prices in app.toml

A. 0.001ukava;1000000000akava

Q. Where can I get a complete example of standard settings for app.toml, config.toml, and client.toml node configuration files?

A. app.toml, config.toml, client.toml

Q. Are the EVM APIs enabled by default?

A. Yes

Q. What ports are used by the EVM API servers?

A. By default, the RPC EVM API server listens on port 8545, and the Websocket EVM API server listens on port 8546. These values can be changed by updating the address and ws-address field values in the [evm] section of your node's app.toml and restarting the kava process.