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The incentive module contains the following parameters:

USDXMintingRewardPeriodsRewardPeriods[{see below}]USDX minting reward periods
HardSupplyRewardPeriodsMultiRewardPeriods[{see below}]Hard supply reward periods
HardBorrowRewardPeriodsMultiRewardPeriods[{see below}]Hard borrow reward periods
DelegatorRewardPeriodsMultiRewardPeriods[{see below}]Delegator reward periods
SwapRewardPeriodsMultiRewardPeriods[{see below}]Swap reward periods
ClaimMultipliersMultipliers[{see below}]Multipliers applied when rewards are claimed
ClaimMultipliersTime"2025-12-02T14:00:00Z"Time when reward claiming ends

Each RewardPeriod has the following parameters

Activebool"trueboolean for if rewards for this collateral are active
CollateralTypestring"bnb-a"the collateral for which rewards are eligible
StartTime"2020-12-02T14:00:00Z"the time at which rewards start
EndTime"2023-12-02T14:00:00Z"the time at which rewards end
AvailableRewardsobject (coin)\{"denom":"hard","amount":"1000"}the rewards available per reward period

Each MultiRewardPeriod has the following parameters

Activebool"trueboolean for if rewards for this collateral are active
CollateralTypestring"bnb-a"the collateral for which rewards are eligible
StartTime"2020-12-02T14:00:00Z"the time at which rewards start
EndTime"2023-12-02T14:00:00Z"the time at which rewards end
AvailableRewardsarray (coins)[\{"denom":"hard","amount":"1000"}, \{"denom":"ukava","amount":"1000"}]the rewards available per reward period

Each Multiplier has the following parameters:

Namestring"large"the unique name of the reward multiplier
MonthsLockupint"6"number of months tokens with this multiplier are locked
FactorDec"0.5"the scaling factor for tokens claimed with this multiplier